#WordFool – Getting Ready

9 Mar

So, you signed up to be on a #WordFool Team (or if you didn’t, you’re rushing right over to HERE to do it when you’re done reading this post) and you need to get prepared!

Here’s some things to do this weekend.

FIRST: Tell your writing friends! Yes, tell them now. Every time I do a challenge — every time — day 1 and 2 are filled with requests to join a team late because they’re just seeing the challenge kick in.

To keep things simple, there will be not late joins this time around. So, make sure your writing friends know in case they want to race you to April Fools Day.

SECOND: Know what you’re going to work on. I know, that seems obvious, but do the page counts. If you’re doing 5 pages a day and only have 20 pages left in this ms, you’re going to be done in week one. Will you write something else? Do a read thru on a different story? What?

THIRD: Laundry! Okay, Laundry is a catch-all for all those errands you can get out of the way this weekend. Make a game of it – how much can you get done. Every time you check something off the list, pat yourself on the back. That’s one less thing that will take away from your writing time.

FOURTH: Let the people in your life know: Hey, I’m joining this crazy writing challenge this month and I may not answer the phone when you call to chat. I’ll call you back when I can give you all my attention 🙂

FIVE: Make yourself some time of countdown or add up deal. The best part of a writing challenge is it has an end date and a page/word count goal. You’re working TOWARD something. It isn’t a random, hazy thing. A jar of pebbles, a calendar to cross off, something that lets you watch yourself get closer to the goal.

SIX: Get ready to win! Any time you get words on the page, you’re winning. While we’ll have prizes along the way, it never hurts to reward yourself. A mani/pedi? A babysitter and a movie? Date night? Something you’d love to have. What would it take to “earn” those? Set your goal now and get ready to go!

EDITED TO ADD: It was suggest by someone that I point out you can subscribe to the blog at the very bottom of the page so you don’t miss anything during #WordFool. Don’t feel bad if you unsubscribe when it’s over.

So, if you haven’t done it already, go HERE and sign  up in the comments section. Deadline is 5pm Saturday so I can put the teams together.

Good luck WordFools!

3 Responses to “#WordFool – Getting Ready”

  1. Irene Lefort March 9, 2012 at 12:48 pm #

    Reblogged this on Irene's Words and commented:
    I’m taking part with minimum 600 words per blog post. Want to join us?

  2. abby mumford March 9, 2012 at 2:16 pm #

    i’m excited for you all! and this list is beyond helpful for future writing sessions. *bookmarks page* THANKS!

    good luck all you #wordfools.

  3. briaq March 9, 2012 at 2:18 pm #

    I’m so going to miss you on this one! But you’re getting to have an exciting trip so I’m excited for you too 🙂

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