Tag Archives: free contests

Boss Cowboy Contest Entries

9 Apr

Are you in? There’s been a lot of trash talk on Twitter and yet…so quiet here 🙂

Please post your 500 word BC Story in THIS entry – Any questions, comments, or rages needed to be in the announcement post.

(HINT: Put a hard-return between each paragraph)

Alright, bring it on!

Week of Positivity – Day Two

10 Mar

Day two fell in my lap last night: I am a TOP TEN entry for Karin Tabke’s Line by Line Contest!


This is just too good to be true 🙂 If you haven’t been following along, last year (seriously) Karin started with 100 entries of 1 line. The next week, whoever didn’t get cut got to add 1 more line. The top 5 (next weeks group) gets to send their first 10 pages to Amy Pierpont, Sr Editor at Grand Central. Pretty cool, huh?


Pretty exciting and easy to be positive about too!


As we’ve done in the past, I’ll post my entry and let people play along. If you were me, what would YOUR next line be…. AJ, I’m dying to know what my now dead heroine would do in your version.

Seven lockers down, my boyfriend was making out with Cheryl, the way-too-perky head cheerleader.


I tried not to stare, but when his hand slid past her waist and over her hip, I slammed my locker shut and stormed off in the opposite direction. Not that anyone noticed. The problem – not only was I that gorgeous jock’s secret girlfriend, I also had a secret power.


I’m invisible.


OK, not <i>invisible</i> invisible. But, in the not-so-mythical land of Highschoolia where blending in equals obscurity, I rated a negative seven JD on the Jane Doe to Lindsay Lohan visibility scale. I’d be the first to tell you I didn’t mind – well, typically. I’d made a deal with the devil … I mean the boy… and stomping away was the only thing I could do.


“The Plan” just might kill me where Advanced Trig had failed. But, with Chris Kent as the self-proclaimed prize, I’d been only too happy to sign-on, quit cross-country and become the soccer team’s stats girl. And, since sessions were closed, little Miss Wave-my-butt-around-in-my-too-short-cheer-skirt couldn’t just show up to practice no matter how much she fluttered her eyelashes.


Don’t forget, I’m doing an entire week of Positivity! If you’re jumping in, link us and spread the “I can do it and this ___ (economy, industry, life…..etc) can’t stop me”ness!

Write My Second Line :)

16 Dec

If you clicked over to Karin Tabke ‘s blog when you saw I made the first cut in the First Line contest, then you know what my first line is. For those who didn’t:


 Seven lockers down, my boyfriend was making out with Cheryl, the way-too-perky head cheerleader.


I know what my next line is, but I’d love to hear what you think it should be 🙂

First Line Contest Results

15 Dec

Karin Tabke First Line contest on her blog posted the 80 that made the first cut. And guess what! I’m in!


Now, I just need to not think about it for a day, get some distance and post it when I’m “sure” —- or whatever goes for sure in this line by line panic situation!

Free Contests Going On

10 Dec

I’m always excited to do free contests. I run one over at divas every month and now I’ve gotten to enter two this week also!


Karin Tabke has a first line contest going on over at her blog. I was amazingly lucky! She took the first 100 entries – mine is #27. All I really want is to make the first round.


Also, Nathan Bransford is doing his second First Paragraph Contest at his blog. It’s open for entries until Thursday at 4pm Pacific. Get over there and jump in!


Check out some of those firsts — and post yours here if you didn’t get to play on the others 🙂